Be You, Be Confident...


About Us

In today's society we tend to believe lies from social media,movies,newspapers....etc... The purpose of Shemeza is to bring out the confidence in people,help them love who they are and how they were created...It doesn't matter how tall you are or doesn't matter how thin you are,or doesn't matter how dark your skin is or how white your skin is....still doesn't matter how hard is your hair or how soft is..... I have a confidence that you can still look good as long as you find something perfect for your size and remember love starts with self. We help people to choose their wardrobes or make something perfect for their body. Come all come as are you,there's something for everyone.

Contact Us

Reach out to us on Facebook, Whatsapp, Instagram or Twitter and we will be more than happy to answer any queries you have. We are based in Kampala, Uganda but we deliver worldwide.
Our address
Kampala. Uganda
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Open hours
24 Hours